Saturday, March 13, 2010

The "F" Word

Feminism... oooohh scary!

First off- I hate you break it to you, but most of you are a feminist in some way or the other. Do you think women should have the right to make their own choices about how they live their lives? If so- yes, my friend, you are.
I have taken a lot of crap since I started this blog. Apparently, I take media images too seriously and am just trying to make a "feminist" noise.

And your point?

I am a feminist. What does that mean to me? I want women to be able to make their own decisions. While I may not agree with certain political issues, I still think that women should have a choice to speak their minds. I want to be able to make my own decisions about my life. Is that wrong? If so, please tell me why. I am not going to start burning my bra (which NEVER actually happened by the way) or start hating men. First off, I like my bras and I love men; especially good men. Sorry to burst your bubble of feminism.

Everybody has a right to their own opinions. I am simply here to defend myself. I will continue to write about women; in advertisements, movies, songs, television, etc. I have said it before and I will say it again, I know that men are often stereotyped too. I choose to write about women, because well I am a woman. I have been socialized a certain way- and by analyzing these images, I can deconstruct my own understandings of what it means to be a "woman."

I know many of you- friends, family, viewers, etc- will judge me. Go right ahead. I don't particularly care. If you have the time to judge me based on my dialogue in this blog- then you must be extremely bored. I am glad I can entertain you. But- I have obviously gotten to you.

All I ask is that you consider what I have to say. You don't have to agree or even like it. Just think about it. Draw your own conclusions- oh wait, isn't that a form of feminism?

1 comment:

  1. Kendall, I admire your intelligence and ability to speak your mind without abandon. To me, feminism is supporting women and men make choices about what is best for them based on their own minds, hearts, beliefs and values; NOT on what media tries to tell us through the ideals created that no one will ever be able to meet.

    But most importantly, feminism to me is about loving and respecting and cheering on other women and not calling each other bitches, sluts, cunts, whores, etc. etc. etc.

    I love you and support you! You go girl!
