Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Okay. I actually saw this. Evan really wanted to see it, so we went. Let me just say this... It sucked. BUT it only sucked as a Pirates of the Caribbean movie. As a movie about Jack Sparrow, it was actually pretty funny. I would rename it, "The Adventures of Jack Sparrow." It was a rather long movie. If you love Johnny Depp, support him and see it. If you don't really care, netflix it!
OH! And Penelope Cruz. I wanted to like her character because I wish I was Penelope Cruz. She is gorgeous! But she was just okay. Granted, she was way more entertaining that Keira Knightly and her pouty lips that annoy the crap out of me. Tangent: I only really started to not like her when she got the role of Elizabeth Bennett in "Pride and Prejudice." She sucked as a Lizzy. AND then she got nominated for an Oscar for her acting? Yeah right.

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